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My name is Arthur, everyone calls me Art, my favorite number is 555, so I use art555 as a nick everywhere. When I was demo, I used art555 account, but when I tried to upload a hotlap it required the exact same name as in the replay so I had created [RF]-art555. I was too excited and rushed when I was buying S2 so I registered with this account
S2 licensed
you don't need any special set for it at all! Just pop the rear tyres....
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Good riddance, never liked it anyway. Download > stream for hq, tbh.

which you could do there without watching, besides it didn't had such a lame size limit as Youtube
S2 licensed
Quote from Tisza :What does Rev B wheel mean? I bought my DFP 2 weeks ago, at a store, its a brand new one.

Rev B is a version of the wheel. Rev A had problems, but considering you've just bought it brand new it should be Rev B
S2 licensed
Quote from Tisza :That's not really nice... so let's say in about 1 or 2 years I shall expect that my pedals gonna brake or smthg?

no, that doesn't happen to every single pedal set. And there was a made a fix in those pedals, so if you have Rev B wheel you shouldn't worry.
S2 licensed
Quote from Tisza :I meant pedal problems are general for all logitech wheels(except g25, thinkin of dfp & MOMO) or is it just MOMO specific?

Both Momo and DFP as the have quite the same pedals
S2 licensed
It won't slide much if you'll be smooth with steering and releasing brakes
S2 licensed
Quote from timkiller :Right that is what i have been doing. I prefer the hot lap as if you are changing settings its good not to have to wait for the lights and for the first lap time to have some meaning. Guess its not a big deal but what is the point of removing the ability to reset the car??

Thanks android.



You don't have to wait for lights to go green in SP mode. You just set it to practice mode and drive in any way you want
S2 licensed
Nokia 6300....Nice, compact, steel panels, great overall Had 3230 before, but I got tired of its massiveness both size wise and functionality.
S2 licensed

Quote from [RF]-art555 :
The set I used (patch S times actually ) was the stoppie set but set has nothing to do with the donut itself. The key is to pop rear tyres, thats all that needed

S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :Nope you didn't but you must admit that Серёга actually did achieve way more than other ... akhem... rappers from Russia... That's why I'd say it's acceptable to put his music into a Vid

(Тимати это хлам, не пойми неправильно)


Тимати хуже чем хлам!
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :
Much better and more sucessful than any other Russian rapper

Was I telling there were anyone good?

Edit: Тимати!?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mrlyrical :I don't know what the rapper is saying,

lol good for you then

Still cool vid
S2 licensed
Looks nice....but music....why the hell "Серёга"? Quite a lame attempt to be a rapper imo. Well, the vid is cool when you hear only music
S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :I find this part really funny:

Like in the way they perfected the realism in GT4 (and 3-2-1 )
That makes me kinda sad.

I think thats just a japanise way of joking
S2 licensed
Quote from atlantian :nice... sounds lame, i hope there is clutch this time around, since GT5 apperently has clutch...

Same pedals as DFP's...
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Noo, megaupload always suxx in Hungary..The slots are always full

Aren't they always full disregarding your Country? Isn't that just a cheap trick to make users download their toolbar?

Great movie! Very smooth and estethic
S2 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :That looks amazing! It's pretty impressive that it can be as good as that with only 1 LED. I mean, three I can understand, but only 1?

Yep, well on the site it says that it can be even more accurate at capturing simple moves than 3 leds afaik

Quote from Gnomie :
I can somewhat understand that it's hard to get the directional stability of the car right when using FreeTrack. But are you sure that it's not just a steep learning curve, and that once you've practiced enough with it you'll get comfortable? Sounds to me that given enough practice it can be a pretty useful tool.

I understand the potential, and it looks great when you are standing still, but when you move....Well, its always hard to get used to something, but I'm not sure I'll get used to it
S2 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :I love your cap!

I'll see what I can find. I think my brother might have one of those LED reading lamp thingies laying around. I'll ask him.


I've did a quick capture of the way it works for me in LFS. There is a slight jerkiness when looking on big angles, but mostly cause by low sensetiveness I use (33) so when the view jerks my head is about 70* turned and led isn't clearly visible. Still returns to center fast.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But even if YOU/ME chose to drive carefully, it doesn`t mean some nabs behind will do it My point is that if the good drivers get wiped out by the bad drivers, should they have to wait too to get their car fixed?
I mean, if thats so it could be used as sabotage lol.

A good driver see and predicts moves of others and can dodge noobs
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :-1
I can`t imagine how pissed off I would be if I were wrecked in T1 4 times in a row, and wouldn`t be able to repair the car before the next day.

The purpose of the idea is to make racers awared of damage and be more carefull of T1 tho

I'm not quite sure if I like it or not
S2 licensed
Quote from bladegt :i don't get it...
this is a real life car... :S

Its not a BMW by any means, it just has picture of the front of the BMW skinned on the car (XRT)
S2 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :Hm.. I see. It would be very nice to try it out, though, and see for myself.

What LED system did you use? I'm having trouble getting my bike lamp to work, even though I've followed the manual. Maybe my webcam has an IR filter..

I'm using Ear Light LED. Its a white color led, but works just fine for me. I also tried IR LED from a TV remote and it works even better (even tho I didn't took out the IR filther)
S2 licensed
Quote from BURN :ive made some, and these are one of them. I like it when the cam can capture the characteristics for the track so they are pretty low, but its nice ^^

S2 licensed
Quote from Gnomie :Does your 1 LED setup work such that when you look to the side and then look straight ahead again, you're looking straight ahead in the car again? The problem for me was that it wouldn't keep up with my head movement.

Yup, goes back to center perfectly and smoothly.

Is your webcam on the supported list? (my cam is MS VX1000) My threashold bar is almoust fully to the right, maybe that might help.

Quote from Gnomie :I guess it might be difficult to put into words, but it would be nice..

yup, it is hard to explain. Well, I guess its hard for me for the same reason as I quit using "look with steer" option. When the view moves, I loose the feel of the movement of the car. One more difficult thing for me is that I don't really move the head rather than move my eyes when I look onto monitor, so moving the head is a thing I have to think about when driving.